Tuesday, September 14, 2010


life sure is a mess right now. Bobby is being a butt and it looks like our marriage is over with. it's not what i want but it's what he wants. he is super angry at me for leaving and taking the boys but i did what i had to do for me and my babies. i will not be made to feel guilty for that,. i did nothing wrong. he has not seen his boys in 3 weeks but thats not my fault. all i asked was that it be supervised for a few visits and he refussed to do it that way so he has not seen or talked to them. i am going to speak with a lawyer tomorrow and i may have to let him have harry unsupervised even if i don't want it. the boys have finally settled down and adjusted to there new home . we are still at my moms until rental assistance comes through which i hope is soon. i never thought my life would turn out this way. he said he would love me forever and i guess forever is not as long as i thought. it will be our 4 year anniversery this Thursday. i guess marriage means nothing to him. i know i was the one to leave but devorce is not what i wanted only a temperary seperation until we could work things out. oh well i guess lifes that way sometimes.


  1. ~hugs~ Rena.

    you are doing what you need for you and the boys, and you are not wrong for doing what you feel is best in this case!

  2. have faith rena-- you did the right thing. your kids have to come first & you're doing all you can. ((hugs)) i'm so glad to see you update, we've all been worried for you.

  3. ((HUGS)) You took a step that is very hard to take, and I am proud of you for doing it. ((HUGS)) it will all work out.
