Monday, August 30, 2010


today is going to be a huge change for the boys and mommy as we move out on our own. we are going to stay with my mom and then hopefully will have a place of our own soon. it's scary to go from a family of 4 to a family of 3 but i know that i am a strong person and can handle this. Plus i have lots of support from friends and family. I'm not so much worried about me but the boys and how they will adjust to not having daddy around. I am hoping they are young enough to not really notice to much, well at least i know Ethan is young enough. So i will be MIA for a while but will update when i am able to. so wish me luck and send tons prayers my way for a safe transition. Rena


  1. Sending tons of thoughts your way, you will do great!

    ~hugs~ Here for you!

  2. Good luck Im sure you will do fine ((((HUGS))))
