Baby Ethan is 4 days old today and i thought i'd share some pics of him and we can't forget big brother Harry.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Baby Ethan
Baby Ethan is 4 days old today and i thought i'd share some pics of him and we can't forget big brother Harry.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
baby time
Amnio results show a baby with developed lungs. so Thursday morning at 7am i will start my induction. I am already 1cm dilated so i only have 9 to go right:o) Positive thinking is the way to go. My mom took Harry home with her and will care for him till we come home. Can i just say I love my mom so much. she's just been so wonderful this whole pregnancy. taking me to my appointments and sitting with me during my amnio. just knowing she was there helped me greatly. And all of my wonderful friends who have so supportive mean so much to me as well. I just know there is a special place in Heaven for them. So the next time i update this blog i hope to have pics of the newest addition to our family. Any prayers that you want or can spare would be great.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
thinking good thoughts
tomorrow is my amnio and i am hoping and praying for mature lungs. I am praying that since my doctor is on call that she doesn't have to go over to the hospital at the time of my amnio because that would just suck. I'm scared and a little extra emotional tonight and just not sure what to do about it. but oh well it is what it is.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Date Night
Hubby and I had a date night last night and it was wonderful. Let me just say that God is so good. we filed our income taxes really really late and didn't think we were going to get anything back because of student loans but yesterday low and behold were 2 checks. Hubby and I were able to go out on the town and not worry about anything. We of course did not go over board but had a wonderful time. Let me just say we would of had a wonderful time had this money not come in but it sure did ease both of our minds. My in laws were wonderful and took care of Harry who as of this writing is still sleeping and never seems to sleep past 7 am so they must of really had a good time with him as well. So YAY for date night and we need to do it more often. the last time we had one was Sept 2009 and that's way to long to wait for another. Hope you all have a blessed Sunday and if my little guy gets up in time we plan on going to church but this mommy is not going to wake him so we can go.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Baby Ethan update
Well as of today i am 35 weeks 5 days and oh so ready for Ethan to be here. We have been doing NST's 2x's a week for over a month now and Ethan has passed every one of them. Thought today was going to be another long day with trying to find him but he was a good boy and we found him right away. He was being good it was mommy's blood pressure that would not behave. it has steadily been on the rise for several weeks as well. I did a 24 hour protein this past week and should have the results when i go for my weekly appointment unless something is extremely off with it they said not to worry but if i am feeling off in any way to call and they will get me in ASAP. I am having a growth u/s this coming week and get to register at the hospital. I plan on starting to walk more in hopes i can help mother nature do her job. My body must be getting ready because today while trying to nap i was having some sharp pains other wise it's just Ethan trying to claw his way out. I hope to be able to post some pics of the little stinker when i get home from the growth u/s this week. On a side note Hubby and i are going on a date night. have not had one of those since Sept 09 and probably wont get another one for a while after Ethan is here but that's ok i'd rather be at home with m y babies any way.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
asking for help
Why is it i have such a hard time asking my hubby to help me with house hold chores? My kitchen is a disaster and hubby has offered many times to help if I'd only ask him. today it came down to him telling me he's not waiting for me to ask any more. it's obvious i need help. I told him other pregnant women can do it . I'm sorry I'm so tried so i nap when harry naps. He wasn't saying i was lazy he told me that i am not other pregnant women. i need to ask for his help. But why is it so hard for me? I don't know, it's a mystery.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
I hate teething
Harry's 2 year old molars are popping through and for the most part he is a happy little boy but i can tell they are bothering him. i'm trying to keep him comfy and pray they pop through quickly. The only good thing i think that comes with teething is the extra cuddle time he is letting me give him.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
self defense
It's kind of funny how toddlers defend themselves. We had company for a few days and let me say i am so happy they are gone. I love my friend but not her daughter but that's another story. So my friend N took me to the hospital for my weekly NST and she and her daughter took care of Harry. Well because Ethan was being a stinker it took 1 hour 10 min. to get what they needed so when i finally get done and go and find my friend she tells me that Harry bite her and her daughter. I guess i should of been mad at Harry for biting but this is the reason i'm not mad. My friends daughter had been picking on him from the time we left the house. He would scream and cry at her but she kept picking on her. I guess he finally had enough so he bite her. I say way to go baby. I'm not for biting but what's a little guy who doesn't talk supposed to do, i guess any thing necessary. If i had been there i could of stopped her from bothering him but i had already told her not to pick on him, he's already not happy because his 2 year old molars are coming in so of course he's cranky. Harry is of course very happy to have it just be Mommy and daddy again and DH is not happy because of what my friends daughter was doing to Harry. So i hope every one is enjoying there weekend and a little bit of peace and quiet.
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