Saturday, June 26, 2010

showing Mommy he's a big boy

Harry is growing up so fast and i don't like it. I've been struggling with what to feed him because one day he likes something and then the next he wont touch it. For instance, when ever i cut up grapes for him he puts it in his mouth and then spits it out but tonight after cutting one in half and spitting it out he helped himself to the ones mommy was eating and ate them whole. He didn't want mommy to cut them for him he wanted to do it himself. the little stinker ate probably 15 grapes because he got to pull them off the stem himself. It's like he's telling me he's a big boy and can do it all by himself. I am in the process of making a list of things he likes and will eat with no problem and the things he doesn't like and the last time i tried giving it to him. I want him to have a balanced diet but sometimes i feel like a bad mommy because all he will eat is junk or at least that's how it seems. hoping i'm not the only mommy who feels that way sometimes. sorry if i rambled but thanks if you read all the way through.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

scary night in the trailor park

Oh boy did we have a storm last night. It almost seemed like a tornado was moving through. It knocked our lights our from 7 pm last night till 2:30pm today. So very thankful it was not a real hot day today because I'm not sure Harry and I could of handled that. I was able to catch a awesome rainbow which turned into a double rainbow after the rain stopped. It was so beautiful. It just amazes me that such a destructive storm can have something so wonderful afterwards.
on a side not generic diapers SUCK. Harry had a blow out at my OB appointment yesterday and my mom had a fun trying to clean him up. My mom bought some Huggies for me so i don't have to use the generic ones ,well at least not until i run out. The funny part is Harry learned a new word. Caa caa. He thinks it's a funny word to. We went to Walmart afterwards and i asked him if made caa caa and he'd giggle and then said caa caa. so cute. He also said HI for the first time today. Love to here little words coming from him.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

what a cute big brother

Yesterday i was sitting by the computer and Harry wanted to see my belly.So i backed up and let him look. He started playing peek a boo with it. it was so cute. I asked him where his baby brother was and he poked my belly and kissed it. I just hope he isn't jealous when Ethan gets here. I'm going to have to try and get it on camera.

Monday, June 21, 2010

it's the little things in life

It's the little things in life that make me happy. Like we finally got a dryer today so i am more then happy to do laundry. Being 8 months pregnant was making taking loads of wet cloths to the laundry mat a real chore. Oh and having pineapple sherbet for dessert with my little guy.

wow didn't think this was still here

it's been a long time since i blogged. i even forgot it was here until i stumbled on it today. i guess i should try and keep up with it now that i found it again. i follow several blogs and it seems to be a great way to keep up with friends and say what ever i want.